Today is Tuesday, primary election day. Soon the results will start coming in. Tuesday is also a blog title that I have used too often. I thought of titling today's post Monday, as the Metro Mountain Bike meetings have switched from Tuesday to Monday. What's that about?
I dropped off some peaches at my parent's house and a friends house today. Misao made peach cobbler tonight. I'm waiting for it to cool before adding ice cream. I finished up closing off one leak in the roof yesterday, long enough before the rain so the roof cement sets. As it will rain a lot Thursday I will check for leaks in the attic then. I may get all the peaches off the tree before then. I was stung by a wasp/yellow jacket grabbing a peach off the tree yesterday. They like the sugar as our peaches are very sweet. Fortunately I got my ring off before my finger swelled too much. I will have to get in a good long ride tomorrow before the rain comes in the evening.
I went to the Tea Party Saturday. And everyone in Wisconsin knows the Packers won Sunday. Ray's, that world famous venue of interior cycling of the wide tire variety, will open November 13th. The local WEMS race has been canceled. The Fall Color Festival, described as the biggest and longest running mountain bike trail advocacy fundraising event, will be on the 25th. The infamous Chequamagon (you're not pronouncing it right me) Fat Tire Festival will be the 18th and 19th. Tomorrow is the final Wednesday Night Race/Time Trial and will be a night race requiring lights, good bright LED lights. The powers to be are asking for feedback on the WORBA site design. My book is in the mail and, if I approve it, will be available within days.
Just some of what was covered in the Tuesday night meeting. And some that wasn't. And a new link in the side bar. My personal Amazon Associates sales page where I recommend my favorite books and movies.
Milwaukee seems to be trying to ride the latest trend of urban agriculture and deciding what is on our dinner tables. The feature book not necessarily related to the conference. The results are starting to come in on the bottom of the TV screen.
Time for peach cobbler and ice cream.
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