Or rather National Bike Patrol, they are having a medical training session this coming Saturday from 8:00 am. Very early for me as we work late into the night. Pretty sure I will be able to make it, though training oneself to handle any situation is something all real men should do. Like taking Hap-Ki-Do five nights a week during my four years in Korea. Every lesson started with fall drills. I have no problem falling properly when I crash as I practiced thousands of times over. It is sharp objects I have a problem with. Not sure if the National Bike Patrol patrols any beaches but I did get the beach bike repaired and put back together. Now a couple of large duel baskets on the back, some shiny fenders, a huge fancy headlight and a big honking horn and I be stylin. Never got a new used bike but someone in a forum recommended dream bikes.
Metro Mountain Bikers is now officially IMBA. Their social ride is tomorrow. Wont be making that either nor a event our Church is having in Chicago. I’m fairly certain I’ll be way too tired to then work all night and get to church early Sunday. The weekly time trials and odd Tuesday rides will start with the month of May. Lots of good events due to the efforts of Metro Mountain Bikers. You can earn T-shirts and stuff for volunteer hours. If only you could count the hours towards one’s cell phone bill they would be flush with volunteers.
Next week? There is a fitness festival in La Cross on Saturday and of course Iola, the opening of WORS is Sunday. There is also a road bike race in Whitnall Park Saturday. Yes, the bike season is here, where no weekend passes without the burden of deciding which bike event one will attend this weekend (or not) as there are so many. I am not ready for WORS Iola and everything will be focused now and getting in proper shape for the Alterra Classic here in Milwaukee county. That Battle of CamRock sounds interesting though. Alterra may be my only race of the season if I cannot get under 250 lbs. At such a high weight one should worry about ones heart (not that worried) but the joints are also a concern (a bit worried). But it is my hope to be buff and under 250 after Alterra and to race most the second half of the season.
I need some new tires for the road bike and will get some more new tubes for the old mountain bike. The last two tubes I bought lose all their air overnight and I’m tired of having to pump up the front tire every time I want to ride. If they have faulty valves too I’m taking them all back. No more mister nice guy as my efforts over the next month and beyond will make crystal clear. I have no luck with tubes, but as long as no one calls me Bubba, Bubba wont be offended.
Not sure if we will get any peaches. The tree blossomed early and it reached near freezing, never frosting, down in our valley near the river several times over the past few weeks. The leaf curl is back just as bad though I treated last fall. Will have to get some higher grade stuff and treat with a handheld sprayer. You are supposed to use only one type of solution for any one sprayer. If that doesn’t work for next year we will have to call a professional.
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