Saturday, January 17, 2015

Eating Well

I missed the monthly Metro Mountain Biker’s meeting to have an anniversary dinner with my wife, but I didn’t miss the Citizens for Responsible Government’s petition event, against the street car, this afternoon. I brought in sixteen signatures. I bet they have enough signatures to submit their petition this week. You can go to their site for a copy of the petition.

004I reject the doubters of a Packers victory tomorrow, and I further reject the continual bad mouthing of the wonders of Winter by just about everyone with a forum on the public airways. People need to be more optimistic. Maybe it’s the street car / Trolley that the mayor is trying to force down our throats that is getting everyone down? …No, they bad mouth Winter every year.

That being said, if you’re an IMBA member and go to Ray’s Indoor Mountain Bike Park this evening, tomorrow is free. And if you’re not an IMBA member you can join on the Internet. Why is IMBA always competing with football? Registration is still open for the Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival, or if you’re more adventurous, as well as highly competitive, registration is open for the Sudety MTB Challenge; staging through Poland and the Czech Republic.

So what about the Bulletproof Coffee? I guess I am not truly bulletproof. I don’t buy the official bulletproof beans or their coconut oil extract but it works with the regular coconut oil. Finding the right coffee is a bit tricky. We switched to tea for a couple days and my energy levels went way up. We must have some toxic coffee right now. When the coffee is roasted it kills any mold but the toxins the mold created are still there. From my reading, and some you/tube clips my wife found, your best bet, without buying the $$$ official bulletproof beans, are single source Central American beans, medium roast. South American beans have a greater probability of being highly toxic due to agricultural practices there, from what we understood on you/tube.

We went back to coffee today and I can feel the difference. We need better beans because the tea, while energizing, just can’t hold up in taste to the butter (unsalted from grass fed cows) and coconut oil. Teavana will be getting back to me on what tea might go well with the good fat concoction that sets the foundation for the bulletproof diet.

My enjoyment of what I eat has increased immensely since I started with the bulletproof coffee; emphasizing good fats. So, my weight loss has stalled with our anniversary dinner. We went to The Cheesecake Factory. We enjoy The Cheesecake Factory, unlike Panera Bread that always messes up our service. At Panera we waited so long for our drink, you have to pick it up at a separate counter, that I just grabbed what was there when they said it was ours. It wasn’t ours. A man at the next table was drinking our Chai Latte which cost twice as much as what we got. I didn’t realize it till we were leaving, and I was too disgusted to say anything. I think they brush the cheese onto their grilled cheese sandwiches, just enough to keep the two pieces of bread together. Wait, did I say I’m enjoying what I eat more now. Actually that was before we started with the bulletproof (downgraded as it is) coffee. I wonder if we’ll get better service at Panera now that II;’m on the diet. My mother really loves Panera Bread.

But The Cheesecake Factory is simply fabulous. I tried to make my wife take the last piece of Calamari. I even went with the airplane coming in for a landing and threw in a “Tora! Tora! Tora!” at the end, but she kept the runway closed.

We watched the premier of an Amazon Original Series called “The Man in the High Castle”. When I told her the premise of the story my wife said she and Alois will laugh at me while watching it. It is a story under the premise that the Axis Powers won the Second World War. So, in the introduction they are show a map of the US covered with a swastika and the rising sun. My wife laugh. I guess she found it very amusing, but not the “Tora! Tora! Tora!”? What man can ever comprehend the mind of a woman?

The $83 question: What are my three most favorite WORS races? Yes, same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.

Go Packers!

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