Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ready, Set, GOal

It is that time of year again. My goals or resolutions for this new year of 2017 are not finalized. They are being evaluated and will be made with the clear intent of them being achieved.

Now if you just want to GO, in this year of 2017, this weekend is full of places to start. Events meant to test your fitness of not only body but mind are many.

This Thursday the Lapham Peak Fat Bike Race Series is said to be a go. Do not let the man on crutches dissuade you. Pot luck means food. Lights are required. The race starts at 7:30 but from 5:30, a glorious two hours before race time, you can demo a Surly Fat Bike for free. I like ice cream.

Saturday everything starts and ends with the Hugh Jass. Waukesha is the city, Minooka is the park, flannel is what you wear for extra style points. It doesn’t get any crazier. I would be there if I had the time, or maybe if I was just one of those cool kids.

Wheel and Sprocket is also hosting Monday Night Fat Bike Group Rides.

Metro Mountain Bikers Winter Social ride, I believe this is the first, Will be Saturday January 21. Ride around or across Muskego Lake depending on how much beer…, I mean the weather. Something called the Pack N Brew is the tentative starting gate. 10:00 AM sharp. A lunch stop is planned.

On February 4th The Frosty Hog may be the race for you. It is a relay, so you do not need a Fat Bike. You just need to convince someone with a Fat Bike that they want you on their team. …Anyone? I’m right here. Sitting by myself.

Good things come to those who wait. The Sweaty Yeti, that old school, real man’s race is part of the great Yeti Fest; February 24th to 26th. It will be held at one of the most beautiful sites Wisconsin has to offer, Levi Mounds State Park.  The Yellowstone Sasquatches will not be in attendance. Yes, the National Park Service has caught up to six sasquatches at a time this last Christmas on their live feed cameras. The Park Service pans away from Sasquatch, AKA Big Foot (would more than one be Big Feet or Big Foots?) or the Forest People as some call them, when they recognize them on their live feeds. Still some have recorded the action on other devices.

All the airlines claimed height restrictions when the Sasquatch clan tried to catch a flight to Wisconsin. You really do not want to tell a Sasquatch that they stink.

Stay busy my friends.

The $147 question: What were my three most favorite WORS races? Keeping the same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.

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